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Frequently asked questions

You don’t need to take out insurance, but it is a sensible precaution.  We would recommend that you take out third party insurance in case your chair causes accidental damage to something or someone else.  Check any existing insurance policies for home or car insurance, as you may already be covered – you may be able to add additional cover to your existing policy.

You may find the following companies useful in sourcing cover. 

Fish Insurance
Lockton Mobility
Chartwell Insurance
En Route Insurance
Premier Care
Royal Sun Alliance Motability Insurance Services
Age Concern Insurance Services
The AA

Most powered wheelchairs supplied from the NHS are class 2 and do not need to be registered.

If you have opted for PWB and have selected to have a chair that can travel faster than 4 mph, this will be a class 3 vehicle and will need to be registered with the DLVA.

Note the road fund licence is provided free by the DVLA.

No.  Your chair is designed and set up for your needs.  If you need to have anything changed, please contact us.

Yes, the wheelchair service may consider providing power packs under certain circumstances. The circumstances are described in the service eligibility criteria, which can be found in the Referrer and Prescriber Information section. 

There is an annual check for indoor or indoor/outdoor powered wheelchairs.  The annual check will be arranged by us.  The inspection covers a comprehensive list designed to ensure your chair is kept in good condition and is safe to use.

No – not on all surfaces. 

You should take extra care on loose gravel and grass, which can make moving and braking difficult.

Do not attempt to use your wheelchair on sand, as the sand and salt could damage the bearings and other moving parts of the chair.

The wheelchair is classified as a pavement vehicle.  It should only be driven on the road when there is no alternative.  

Get in touch with the customer service team, who will arrange a suitable time to repair your wheelchair at home. 

Repairs should be completed within three (3) days for most wheelchairs, although replacement parts for some complex chairs may take a little longer.

Yes.  Please call us beforehand to arrange to have your chair fixed or adjusted at the service centre.

Call us on the usual number and we will arrange a suitable time to repair your wheelchair at home.

The conditions of loan state that you are responsible for getting yourself and the wheelchair home.  In this situation, we are not able to provide an emergency service.

Yes.  We would recommend, however, that you review your holiday or home insurance to to make sure it covers any accident or loss.

If your holiday company requests the weight of your wheelchair, it is listed in the handbook provided when the chair was issued.

Contact us and if you are in the UK, we will help you to find a local wheelchair service.  If you are abroad, please contact the service on your return to arrange your repair.

Please contact the customer service team and ask for a re-assessment.

Please make contact with us to arrange a collection so that your chair can be refurbished and returned to stock for reissue.  We will want to complete the collection within seven (7) days of your request.

No.  Your wheelchair must be returned to the NHS for reconditioning and reissue to somebody else in need.

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